Admissions Procedure for Academic Session 2024-2025

Please click here to fill in form as initial step for admission process.

  • Applications are offered on first come first serve basis.
  • Registration fee once paid is not refundable.
  • Registration does not guarantee admission.
  • Incomplete / Invalid forms will be rejected.

Age For the academic year 2024-2025, the entry point of admissions

CLASSMinimum Age as on 31st March, 2024
Nursery (Early Years Beginners)3 years
PPI (Early Years 1)4 years
PPII (Early Years 2)5 years
Grade I6 years

At the time of registration, the following documents are to be submitted to the Administrative Office:

  • Duly filled in and signed Registration Form.
  • Latest Passport size color photographs of the child and parent.
  • Proof of Date of Birth (Issued by Municipal Corporation or any authorized competent authority).
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card.


  1. The school timings are from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
  2. There will be two recesses one short recess around 11:00 AM and one long recess at 1:00 PM for lunch.
  3. All the students should be punctual and must attend to school and class in time. Latecomers shall report to the school Principal with proper explanation.
  4. If students are absent from school, they should take leave with prior intimation. In cases of emergency, parents should call and intimate the Principal of such absence. If not, the parents should notify the Principal in writing the next day.
  5. Students should come to School in a neat and tidy prescribed uniform including tie, socks, and shoes. They should have their hair trimmed and nails neatly cut. Girl students should tie their hair neatly with ribbons.
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